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El portal Glass Online recoge la noticia referida a la última Asamblea General de la patronal del vidrio plano de la CV. Un espacio que se ha definido como “The leading worldwide portal for the glass industry” (el principal portal internacional de la industrial).

Fragmento: Only with the renewal of the window stock in Spain would a “very positive” effect be achieved to move towards the climate neutrality objective planned by the European Union for the next 4 years and in the updating of the national housing stock, as noted by the president of REVIP, Vicente Cervera, at the meeting after the Ordinary General Assembly of the association.

From the sector, it has been explained that this type of actions are “more accessible to citizens and communities of owners” than, for example, the thermal insulation of façades. Furthermore, the president of REVIP recalled that focusing on the building envelope, with special attention to the replacement of glazing and windows, improves the energy efficiency of buildings by reducing the demand for heating and cooling.”

Para leer la noticia completa: https://www.glassonline.com/revip-defends-renewing-windows-to-comply-with-rehabilitation-forecasts/

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